Fighting For Your Legal Rights
Fighting For Your Legal Rights
Defense Lawyer For DUI Repeat Offenders
While defending repeat offenders accused of driving drunk is typically the same as for a first-time offender, the consequences of additional DUIs get progressively more severe. If you're faced with a second, third or more DUI within five years, contact Jeffrey S. Williams for help avoiding even harsher punishments.
A fourth drunk driving arrest within ten years can be charged as a felony, with additional consequences such as the loss of a professional license and the right to own a gun. If you are a student, you can be denied admission to, or expelled from, your college, trade school, or university. In addition, you could lose your financial aid awards. The Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Williams, LLC can assist you in getting your life back on track.
DUI Repeat/DWI Special Cases
Escalating penalties also apply for those under 21 years old charged with underage drinking or Minor in Possession (MIP). Other criminal charges can apply when there are injuries (vehicular assault), a death (vehicular homicide), or even for having a child under the age of 14 in the vehicle (child endangerment). DUI charges can impact your freedoms, driving privileges, and reputation. Contact DUI criminal defense attorney Jeffrey S. Williams to guide you through the process.
Contact a North Metro-Atlanta DUI Defense Attorney
For more information or to schedule a consultation with North Metro-Atlanta area DUI Repeat Defense attorney Jeffrey S. Williams, call (770) 645-0990.